Why does this timeout?
Dim s As New SmtpClient
s.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
s.Port = 465
s.EnableSsl = True
s.Timeout = 5000
s.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("my.name@gmail.com", "mypassword")
Dim m As New MailMessage
m.From = New MailAddress("my.name@gmail.com")
m.Body = "Test Message"
m.Subject = "Test Subject"
These settings come straight from my Outlook Express test setup, and it can send fine.
Set really long timeout = does nothing
Change port numbers to 587 or 25 = does nothing
One thought: Outlook Express has a "My server requires authentication" option, which I couldn't see an obvious equivalent for with SmtpClient. Could it be related to that?
Thanks in advance
--Trindaz on Fedang #vb.net-smtp