I am trying to create an html file using RMarkdown
(using the sample .Rmd in RStudio). When I click Knit
, I am getting the following message:
Error: path for html_dependency not found: Execution halted.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling both R and RStudio, as well as all of the packages required for markdown. I am running the most current version of RStudio (1.1.383), and R (3.4.2), and all of my packages are up to date.
This is not my first time using RStudio or markdown, but I have yet to get markdown work on this computer. I have not made any changes to the default markdown file.
8: stop("path for html_dependency not found: ", file, call. = FALSE)
7: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
6: lapply(dependencies, validate_html_dependency)
5: dependency_resolver(all_dependencies)
4: html_extras_for_document(knit_meta, runtime, dependency_resolver,
3: base(...)
2: output_format$pre_processor(yaml_front_matter, utf8_input, runtime,
knit_meta, files_dir, output_dir)
1: rmarkdown::render("test.rmd", "html_document")