I've got a mapview that I want to put some markers on top of. I'll retrieve these from a webservice when I start the activity, so I need to know the minimum and maximum lat/lng pairs for the current viewport. I'm calling
But they both return 0 while the activity is starting. I tried putting it in onAttachedToWindow, onResume, onPostCreate, onPostResume, onStart and so on, but to no avail. How can I know that the activity has finished laying out all the views and is ready to give me the correct height and width measurements?
I think you have to override onSizeChanged and call getWidth/Height from there. Be aware though that onSizeChanged might get called multiple times during your activity's lifecycle (Everytime the size of the view changes).
From this post that I've found googling:
Assuming your view is visible, its
size has been assigned by the time the
activity's window receives focus. That
is, when activity.onWindowFocusChanged
is called with hasFocus = true.
The sequence is roughly:
view.onSizeChanged(width, height, 0, 0)
I tried and it worked.
I've found that it's probably better using a ViewTreeObserver
, see this answer.