In pycharm, the ipython console does not seem to be a real ipython console.
In pycharm ipython console:
In[1]: ?sorted
{'text/plain': 'Signature: sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)\nDocstring:\nReturn a ne
In a real ipython console:
In [5]: ?sorted
Signature: sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)
Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in ascending order.
A custom key function can be supplied to customise the sort order, and the
reverse flag can be set to request the result in descending order.
Type: builtin_function_or_method
I saw some other differences: does not load ipython profile
, different behavior when using shortcut to get back previous commands
Is there anyway to have a real ipython console in pycharm? And that this console is still compatible with the shortcuts to run the selected code in the console.