How can I achieve MDC Logging (Java) in GoLang?
I need to add UUIDs in all server logs in order to be able to trace concurrent requests.
How can I achieve MDC Logging (Java) in GoLang?
I need to add UUIDs in all server logs in order to be able to trace concurrent requests.
Java MDC relies on thread local storage, something Go does not have.
The closest thing is to thread a Context through your stack.
This is what more and more libraries are doing in Go.
A somewhat typical way is to do this via a middleware package that adds a request id to the context of a web request, like:
req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(),"requestId",ID))
Then, assuming you pass the context around, you pull it out with ctx.Value("requestId")
and use it wherever it makes sense.
Possibly making your own custom logger function like:
func logStuff(ctx context.Context, msg string) {
log.Println(ctx.Value("requestId"),msg) // call stdlib logger
There's a bunch of ways you may want to handle this, but that's a fairly simple form.