

2019-06-01 08:01发布






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#EE, a British mobile network operator and internet service provider, launched the UK's first next-generation #5G mobile network on Thursday. @EE (Photo: VCG)



(Via Twitter @globaltimesnews)

#BBC launches first #5G-live broadcast on Thursday, equipped with #Huawei base station: Huawei (Video: courtesy of Huawei)



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#US President Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump and British Prime Minister Theresa May @theresa_may will discuss China’s #Huawei during Trump's state visit to London next week: Bloomberg (Photo: VCG)


(Via Bloomberg)

U.S. President Donald Trump and U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May plan to discuss China’s Huawei Technologies Co. during his state visit to London next week, a U.K. official said, as the U.S. seeks to convince allies in Europe to exclude the telecom giant from 5G networks.一位英国官员说,美国总统唐纳德•特朗普和英国首相特雷莎•梅计划在下周的特朗普对英国进行国事访问期间,讨论中国华为公司的问题。目前美国正试图说服其欧洲盟友将这家电信巨头排除在5G网络之外。The U.K. has not yet made a decision on whether to follow the U.S., which put Huawei on a blacklist earlier this month, arguing that China’s government could use it for espionage or to disrupt critical infrastructure. The Huawei discussion is scheduled for June 4. 英国尚未决定,是否效仿美国本月早些时候的将华为列入黑名单的做法。美国的理由是,中国政府可能利用它从事间谍活动或破坏关键基础设施。英美关于华为的讨论定于6月4日举行。U.K. Home Secretary Sajid Javid has signaled the U.K. may take a tougher stance with Huawei than its European allies. But in February, the head of the U.K.’s foreign-intelligence agency gave the strongest hint yet that he will not press for an outright ban on Chinese telecom giant. The decision has been controversial: May fired her defense secretary over leaks of the U.K.’s stance.英国内政大臣萨吉德·贾维德暗示,英国可能会对华为采取比其欧洲盟友更强硬的立场。但在今年2月,英国情报机构最高负责人给出了最强烈的暗示:他不会施压彻底禁止华为。这一决定一直存在争议:特蕾莎•梅开除了国防大臣加文•威廉姆森,称其泄露了英国国家安全委员会与华为相关会议的重要内容。

▲Trump, U.K.’s May to Discuss Huawei as U.S. Urges Ban From 5G Networks (via Bloomberg)



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Under the pressure of a US ban, Chinese 5G leader #Huawei is expected to further expand its business and make new breakthroughs in Russia, which analysts attributed to the company's technology advantages and a welcoming attitude in the market. (Photo: VCG)


The world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer has become the most active supplier in Russia's business-to-business (B2B) online bidding, sputniknews.com reported on Wednesday, citing B2B-Center, the largest online purchasing platform in Russia. 俄罗斯卫星通讯社周三援引俄罗斯最大的在线采购平台B2B-Center的消息称,这家全球最大的电信设备制造商(指华为),已成为俄罗斯B2B在线招标中最活跃的供应商。In the past six years, Huawei has participated in 550 telecommunications equipment bidding events organized by large Russian telecommunications companies, the platform's survey showed.该平台的调查显示,在过去6年里,华为参加了550场俄罗斯大型电信公司组织的电信设备招标活动。The Russian market has a positive attitude toward Huawei as well. Huawei's smartphone sales are rising in Russia while other brands' sales are falling this year, according to media reports.俄罗斯市场对华为也持积极态度。据媒体报道,华为智能手机的销量在俄罗斯攀升,而其他品牌今年的销量却在下降。Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Beijing-based Information Consumption Alliance, told the Global Times on Thursday that Russia has great demand for telecommunications technology and equipment. Chinese companies like Huawei and ZTE are all doing well there.总部位于北京的信息消费联盟理事长项立刚周四对《环球时报》表示,俄罗斯对电信技术和设备有着巨大的需求。华为和中兴通讯等中国企业在那里都做得很好。"To cooperate with Chinese companies seems to be a better choice for Russian companies, because these companies have a technology advantage," Xiang said.“对俄罗斯公司来说,与中国公司合作似乎是更好的选择,因为这些公司拥有技术优势,”项立刚说。Huawei has built up an advantage in Russia with its quality products and service in recent years. During the World Cup in 2018, the company delivered high-quality service there, said Fu Liang, a Beijing-based independent telecom industry analyst.近年来,华为凭借其优质的产品和服务在俄罗斯建立了优势。驻北京的独立电信行业分析师付亮表示,在2018年世界杯期间,华为在俄罗斯提供了高质量的服务。Although US allies are not following Washington's plan to isolate Huawei as the US expected, compared with them, Russia is a more independent country that is on good terms with China. Huawei could make breakthroughs in that market, Fu said.尽管美国的盟友并没有如美国预期的那样,遵循华盛顿孤立华为的计划,但与他们相比,俄罗斯是一个更加“独立”的国家,且与中国关系良好。付亮说,华为可以在这个市场取得突破。

▲Huawei eyes business breakthrough in Russia (via Global Times)



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原文:Bloomberg, Global Times


整合/翻译:Du Qiongfang

文章来源: https://www.toutiao.com/group/6697097068302828035/