How do I remove all slides from flexslider and add new slides?
Or how to do I destroy and reintialise flexslider?
Basically I want to reset flexslider either way.
//Create hotel image array
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: false,
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 210,
itemMargin: 0,
minItems: 4,
asNavFor: '#slider'
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: false,
slideshow: false,
sync: "#carousel",
start: function (slider) {
Links to flexslider:
I downloaded this version which is supposed to have a destroy method:
I thought this would be the answer but for some reason my carousel seems to no longer work after loading in a second set as if I didn't reinitialize it again?
Step 1 - remove existing slides:
var slider = $('.flexslider');
while ('flexslider').count > 0)'flexslider').removeSlide(0);
Step 2 - add new slides:'flexslider').addSlide('<li>Hello world!</li>');'flexslider').addSlide('<li>This is awsome</li>');
Step 3 - set focus back on the first slide (omitting this step resulted in getting empty slides from time to time)
Ok so after digging around it turns out that flexslider now has a destroy method but it required me to use the demo on the github page to get it working. I created a working plunker which adds and removes a flexslider carousel LINK
Also see here: LINK
You should include a link to flexslider in the OP, it's not one I've used / have access to off the top of my head. With that said, generally good plugins tend to come with a destroy method. First thing I would try would be to see if a destroy method is defined on flexslider, like so:
Looks like this thread has some good tips / code towards the bottom to try out -
It is better to follow this. Basically it initiate 1 slider. Then if you want to reinitiate then remove first slider html/data and all then start adding new and initiate it.
you've started one flexslider:
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
directionNav: true
when I want to change slides in previously created slider and restart it, id do following things:
creating temporaty div:
<div id="element_temp" class="flexslider"></div>
delete div with previously created slider
insert new list of slides into temporary div:
var html = `
<ul class='slides">
<li><img src="link to image" /></li>
<li><img src="link to image" /></li>
<li><img src="link to image" /></li>
start flexslider on temp div
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
directionNav: true
change div ID from element_temp to element