
Snap Framework: Custom snaplet handler won't r

2019-06-01 04:59发布


I'm just getting started with writing custom snaplets and hit a road block. I have the following basic snaplet which has a "roles" template located in the "snaplets/admin-pg/snaplets/heist/templates". Can someone tell me why the handleUsers function does not render the "roles" template? I get a "No handler accepted '/pgadmin/users' " error. I'm sure I'm missing something very basic. Thanks.

My main app is defined as follows. It is an instance of HasHeist

data App = App
    { _heist :: Snaplet (Heist App)
    , _pgadmin :: Snaplet (Admin App)

My initializtion code for the snaplet in the main App ("Site.hs") is:

h <- nestSnaplet "" heist $ heistInit "templates"
z <- nestSnaplet "pgadmin" pgadmin $ adminPGInit h

Custom snaplet code...

data Admin b = Admin { name :: String}

adminPGInit :: HasHeist a => Snaplet (Heist a) -> SnapletInit a (Admin a)
adminPGInit h = makeSnaplet "admin-pg" description datadir $ do
  config <- getSnapletUserConfig
  fp <- getSnapletFilePath  
  addTemplatesAt h "" fp
  addRoutes [ ("/users", handleUsers) 
            , ("/foo", handleFoo)]

  return $ Admin "Admin Snaplet"
      description = "PostgreSQL Admin"
      datadir = Just $ liftM (++"/resources") getDataDir

handleUsers :: HasHeist b => Handler b (Admin b) ()    
handleUsers = do
  render "roles"

handleFoo :: HasHeist b => Handler b (Admin b) () 
handleFoo = writeBS "foo from admin"


Use addTemplates instead of addTemplatesAt. You can see from the source code that it's slightly different from what you have here.

Also, an irrelevant detail, you don't need a type parameter on the Admin data type. Since it does not use b, you don't need it as a type parameter.


Along with changing addTemplatesAt to AddTemplates as mightybyte suggested, I also had to change the handleUsers function to:

handleUsers = do
  rURL <- getSnapletRootURL
  render $ rURL `BS.append` "/roles"

The rootURL for the custom snaplet is "pgadmin" which has to be included in the template name when calling render.