Multi-line tooltips in Java?

2019-01-10 18:28发布


I'm trying to display tooltips in Java which may or may not be paragraph-length. How can I word-wrap long tooltips?


If you wrap the tooltip in <html> and </html> tags, you can break lines with <br> tags. See for examples and discussion.

Or you can use the JMultiLineToolTip class that can be found many places on the net, including


Tooltip text which starts with "<html>" will be treated as HTML. Of course that might be very wide HTML.

You can override JComponent.createTooltip to replace the tooltip with your own component which can display whatevee you like.


I know this one is quite old but i found a quite simple solution using HTML code!

Just use a HTML Paragraph with a fixed width:

setToolTipText("<html><p width=\"500\">" +value+"</p></html>");


Use HTML tooltips and manually break your lines (a simple word tokenizer with a fixed line length should do it). Just make sure your tooltop text starts with "<HTML>". Break lines with "<BR/>" or "<P>". I realize it's not the most clean solution and Java's HTML support is horrible, but it should get things done.



                              + "Line One"
                              + "Line 2"
                         + "</html>");


You can subclass JToolTip, which is a Component, and override createToolTip() on the component.


This could be improved somewhat, but my approach was a helper function called before setting tooltip that split the tooltip text at provided length, but adjusted to break words on space where possible.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MultiLineTooltips
    private static int DIALOG_TOOLTIP_MAX_SIZE = 75;
    private static final int SPACE_BUFFER = 10;

    public static String splitToolTip(String tip)
        return splitToolTip(tip,DIALOG_TOOLTIP_MAX_SIZE);
    public static String splitToolTip(String tip,int length)
        if(tip.length()<=length + SPACE_BUFFER )
            return tip;

        List<String>  parts = new ArrayList<>();

        int maxLength = 0;
        String overLong = tip.substring(0, length + SPACE_BUFFER);
        int lastSpace = overLong.lastIndexOf(' ');
        if(lastSpace >= length)
            maxLength = lastSpace;
            maxLength = length;

        while(maxLength < tip.length())
            if(maxLength + length < tip.length())
                parts.add(tip.substring(maxLength, maxLength + length));

        StringBuilder  sb = new StringBuilder("<html>");
        for(int i=0;i<parts.size() - 1;i++)
        sb.append(parts.get(parts.size() - 1));
        return sb.toString();

Use like



Here is a version which I have used before, it works well if you are loading your tool tips from ResourceBundles:

import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JToolTip;
import javax.swing.LookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.ToolTipUI;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * A tooltip that wraps multi-line text.
public final class MultiLineToolTipUI extends ToolTipUI {

    private static final int INSET = 2;

    private static final Pattern LINE_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile("$", Pattern.MULTILINE);

    private static final MultiLineToolTipUI SHARED_INSTANCE = new MultiLineToolTipUI();

     * Install the multi-line tooltip into the UI manager.
    public static void installUI() {
        String toolTipUI = MultiLineToolTipUI.class.getName();
        UIManager.put("ToolTipUI", toolTipUI);
        UIManager.put(toolTipUI, MultiLineToolTipUI.class);

    public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
        return SHARED_INSTANCE;

    private MultiLineToolTipUI() {}

    public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent c) {
        return getPreferredSize(c);

    public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent c) {
        return getPreferredSize(c);

    public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) {
        String[] lines = LINE_SPLITTER.split(((JToolTip) c).getTipText());
        if (lines.length == 0) {
            return new Dimension(2 * INSET, 2 * INSET);
        FontMetrics metrics = c.getFontMetrics(c.getFont());
        Graphics g = c.getGraphics();
        int w = 0;
        for (String line : lines) {
            w = Math.max(w, (int) metrics.getStringBounds(line, g).getWidth());
        int h = lines.length * metrics.getHeight();
        return new Dimension(w + 2 * INSET, h + 2 * INSET);

    public void installUI(JComponent c) {
        LookAndFeel.installColorsAndFont(c, "ToolTip.background", "ToolTip.foreground", "ToolTip.font");
        LookAndFeel.installBorder(c, "ToolTip.border");

    public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
        int w = c.getWidth(), h = c.getHeight();
        g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
        g.drawRect(0, 0, w, h);
        String[] lines = LINE_SPLITTER.split(((JToolTip) c).getTipText());
        if (lines.length != 0) {
            FontMetrics metrics = c.getFontMetrics(c.getFont());
            int height = metrics.getHeight();
            int y = INSET + metrics.getAscent();
            for (String line : lines) {
                g.drawString(line, INSET, y);
                y += height;

    public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) {


And you would use it by calling this method, before your UI is created:


Then in your properties files just insert newlines to wrap your tool tips as desired.


I created a utility class that automatically formats strings to a specific length with <br> tags. It is based on the MultiLineToolTips class posted by Paul Taylor, but his has a bug in it that skips portions of the string and does not actually limit the string to a specific length.

To use my class, simply invoke the splitToolTip method by writing MultiLineToolTips.splitToolTip(yourString); or MultiLineToolTips.splitToolTip(yourString, maxLength); if you want to split it to a specific maximum length. This will create nicely formatted tool tip strings.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

/** A helper class to split strings into a certain length,
 * formatted with html {@literal<br>} tags for multi-line tool tips.
 * Based on the MultiLineToolTips class posted by
 * <a href="">Paul Taylor</a>
 * on <a href="">Stack Overflow</a>
 * @author <a href="">Andrew LeMaitre</a>
public final class MultiLineToolTips {

    /** Private constructor for utility class. */
    private MultiLineToolTips() {

    /** Default max length of the tool tip when split with {@link #splitToolTip(String)}. */
    private static final int DIALOG_TOOLTIP_MAX_SIZE = 75;

    /** A function that splits a string into sections of {@value #DIALOG_TOOLTIP_MAX_SIZE} characters or less.
     * If you want the lines to be shorter or longer call {@link #splitToolTip(String, int)}.
     * @param toolTip The tool tip string to be split
     * @return the tool tip string with HTML formatting to break it into sections of the correct length
    public static String splitToolTip(final String toolTip) {
        return splitToolTip(toolTip, DIALOG_TOOLTIP_MAX_SIZE);

    /**  An overloaded function that splits a tool tip string into sections of a specified length.
     * @param toolTip The tool tip string to be split
     * @param desiredLength The maximum length of the tool tip per line
     * @return The tool tip string with HTML formatting to break it into sections of the correct length
    public static String splitToolTip(final String toolTip, final int desiredLength) {
        if (toolTip.length() <= desiredLength) {
            return toolTip;

        List<String>  parts = new ArrayList<>();
        int stringPosition = 0;

        while (stringPosition < toolTip.length()) {
            if (stringPosition + desiredLength < toolTip.length()) {
                String tipSubstring = toolTip.substring(stringPosition, stringPosition + desiredLength);
                int lastSpace = tipSubstring.lastIndexOf(' ');
                if (lastSpace == -1 || lastSpace == 0) {
                    parts.add(toolTip.substring(stringPosition, stringPosition + desiredLength));
                    stringPosition += desiredLength;
                } else {
                    parts.add(toolTip.substring(stringPosition, stringPosition + lastSpace));
                    stringPosition += lastSpace;
            } else {

        StringBuilder  sb = new StringBuilder("<html>");
        for (int i = 0; i < parts.size() - 1; i++) {
            sb.append(parts.get(i) + "<br>");
        sb.append(parts.get(parts.size() - 1));
        return sb.toString();


If you just add <html> to your tooltip text, it will appear to work until you have /*...*/ or HTML in your text. Use <html><pre> or escape your text. I also had to use <font size=3> to get it looking somewhat decent.