I've got a CString with a Text that also is an Item Text of my CListCtrl. For example:
CString m_SearchThisItemText = _T("Banana");
And in my CListCtrl
m_List.SetItemText (1, 1, _T ("Banana"));
Now I want to find out, on which Index the Text is.
doesnt work. It only searches the name of the Item, not the Text.
I also tried this
for (Index= 0; dlg.GetSearchContentText () == m_List.GetItemText (Index, Spalte); Index++)// HIER IST NOCH EIN FEHLER.
if (dlg.GetSearchContentText () == m_List.GetItemText(Index, Spalte))
m_List.SetItemState (Zeile, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);
But it doesnt work. It stops at Index 0
Can anyone help me, how to find out on which Item the text is.
I hope you understand my question.