Spring 4: MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter does

2019-06-01 00:14发布


Using Spring 4.1.6.RELEASE and Jackson libraries v2.5.4

Want to use JSONP in my REST Services using Spring 4; Spring 4 supports JSONP out of the box.



Using contentNegotiationManager in following manner

<bean id="contentNegotiationManager"

    <property name="defaultContentType" value="application/json" />

    <!-- Configuration of Path Extension Based ContentNegotiationStrategy -->
    <property name="favorPathExtension" value="false" />

    <!-- Configuration of Request Parameter Based ContentNegotiationStrategy -->
    <property name="favorParameter" value="true" />
    <property name="parameterName" value="formatType" />
    <property name="mediaTypes" ref="mediaTypesMapping" />
    <!-- Configuration of HTTP ACCEPT Header Based ContentNegotiationStrategy -->
    <property name="ignoreAcceptHeader" value="true" />


Here is the MediaTypeMapping

<util:map id="mediaTypesMapping">
    <entry key="json" value="application/json" />
    <entry key="xml" value="application/xml" />
    <entry key="jsonp" value="application/javascript" />

Here is the jsonpParameterNames

<util:set id="jsonpParameterNames">

Deployed my REST Service.

  • hitting the following URL gives data in json format

  • hitting the following URL gives data in xmlformat

  • hitting the following URL gives 406 EXCEPTION



On doing investigation, discovered that MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter does not supports application/javascript.

Surprised by this since Spring 4 claims to support JSONP Out of the box.

Furthermore, MappingJackson2JsonView does support JSONP out of the box.


Am I missing something in the configuration which once added will enable me to use content type application/javascript out of the box with SPRING 4 for JSONP?


Here is my ControllerAdvice Configuration:

<bean id="jsonpAdvice"
    <constructor-arg ref="jsonpParameterNames" />

And here is the ControllerAdvice

 public class AccountServiceControllerJsonpAdvice extends
    AbstractJsonpResponseBodyAdvice {

private String[] callbackList = {"callback"};

public String[] getCallbackList() {
    return callbackList;

public void setCallbackList(String[] callbackList) {
    this.callbackList = callbackList;

public AccountServiceControllerJsonpAdvice(String... callbackList) {

However, this does not enable my application to understand a URL like following and returns a 406 error


It only makes my application understand a request URL like following and return a JSONP response:



Yes, Spring 4.1+ supports JSONP, but it's not a conversion format per se.

MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter supports "application/json" and "*+json" media types, but does not support "application/javascript". If it did, then you'd expect it to parse javascript code, which is not the case.

Here, we're merely wrapping the output to make it "application/javascript", but really, it's still JSON.

Your current configuration is disabling content negotiation with HTTP Accept headers (why?). In order to support JSONP you only need this in your MVC configuration:


And an additional ControllerAdvice like this (see reference documentation):

public class JsonpAdvice extends AbstractJsonpResponseBodyAdvice {

    public JsonpAdvice() {

That's it.

Now you'll get:

GET /contextRoot/info/1
// will return what's best depending on the Accept header sent by the client

GET /contextRoot/info/1.xml
// will return XML

GET /contextRoot/info/1.json
// will return JSON

GET /contextRoot/info/1.json?callback=myFunction
// will return JSONP wrapped in a "myFunction" call

In your case, you should:

  1. Remove "application/javascript" from your media types mappings, or for backwards compatibility associate "jsonp" with the "application/json" media type.
  2. Use GET /contextRoot/info/1?formatType=json&param1=callback1

See AbstractJsonpResponseBodyAdvice for more details on the implementation.