I have a networkx graph created from edges such as these:
11011,"[[340, 269], [269, 340]]"
80973,"[[398, 279]]"
608473,"[[69, 28]]"
2139671,"[[382, 27], [27, 285]]"
3945641,"[[120, 422], [422, 217], [217, 340], [340, 340]]"
5820642,"[[458, 442]]"
Where the edges are a user's movements between clusters, identified by their cluster label, e.g., [[340, 269], [269, 340]]
. This represents a user's movement from cluster 340
to cluster 269
and then back to cluster 340
. These clusters have coordinates, stored in another file, in the form of latitude and longitude, such as these:
Is it possible to link the edges of my graph to their respective cluster in physical space using the node/cluster's lat/long and not in the abstract space of a graph? If so, how might I go about doing so? I would like to graph this on a map using a package such as mplleaflet
(like shown here: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/jwass/mplleaflet/master/examples/readme_example.html) or directly into QGIS/ArcMap.
I'm attempting to convert my csv with cluster centroid coordinates into a dictionary, however, I've run into several errors. Mainly, NetwotkXError: Node 0 has no position
and IndexError: too many indices for array.
Below is how I'm trying to convert to a dict and then graph with mplleaflet
import csv
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import mplleaflet
g = nx.Graph()
# Set node positions as a dictionary
df = pd.read_csv('G:\Programming Projects\GGS 681\dmv_tweets_20170309_20170314_cluster_centroids.csv', delimiter=',')
df.set_index('cluster_label', inplace=True)
dict_pos = df.to_dict(orient='index')
#print dict_pos
for row in csv.reader(open('G:\Programming Projects\GGS 681\dmv_tweets_20170309_20170314_edges.csv', 'r')):
if '[' in row[1]: #
# Plotting with matplotlib
#nx.draw(g, with_labels=True, alpha=0.15, arrows=True, linewidths=0.01, edge_color='r', node_size=250, node_color='k')
# Plotting with mplleaflet
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
nx.draw_networkx_edges(g,pos=dict_pos,edge_color='gray', alpha=.1)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(g,dict_pos, label_pos =10.3)