
Android: unable to show correct hindi words

2019-05-31 19:47发布


I am working in android. I am designing an application which shows Hindi words in text view.

I am using this code.

        String str="दिव्या";
        TextView txtview_name=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.textViewmyView);

        final Typeface customF = Typeface.createFromAsset(this.getAssets(), "Hindi-SARAL1.TTF");



I used font in my resourses like DroidHindi.ttf, DroidSansFallback.ttf etc. this is showing some words correctly like as समर, राजा etc , but this does not show correctly words like as दिव्या So please suggest me what .ttf i should use so each word of Hindi show correctly.


@Pushpendra I was having same problem with my testing device (HTC phone). But i tried same app on samsung android phone it works properly on it. So i think you should try your app on different device May be this will help you.


Instead of .ttf file, use .otf file.


you can use Unicode instead of direct value...

String str="&# 2367;&# 2342;&# 2357;&# 2381;&# 2351;&# 2366;";

continious no gap.

TextView txtview_name=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.textViewmyView);

final Typeface customF = Typeface.createFromAsset(this.getAssets(), "Hindi-SARAL1.TTF");


and you can also convert world to unicode via this site...http://mylanguages.org/converter.php but in case of दि use 1st unicode of इ then 2nd द ..b/c till android 4.0 not support proper Hindi unicode..&# 2342; is unicode of द.

标签: android hindi