I have to record a wav file and at the same time I have to analyze it with sox. I am using fifo type file for this operation.
So here I need to start 2 threads at the same time but even if I use the threads I am not able to achieve what I wanna do. Always one executing first and then the other. I want them to be in parallel so that I can do some stuff.
#this should be in one thread
def test_wav(self):
""" analyze the data """
bashCommand = "sox {} -n stat".format(self.__rawfile)
while self.__rec_thread.is_alive():
process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand.split(),stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
wav_output = process.communicate()[1] #sox outputs the details in stderr
#do something and return
#this should be in another thread
def record_wav(self):
bashCommand = "arecord -d 10 -c 2 -r 48000 -f S32_LE > {}".format(self.__rawfile)
pid = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand.split())
if pid.returncode != 0:
raise RecordException("Failed while recording with error {}".format(pid.returncode))
I tried the following code to make them threads but failed(Always one executing first and then the other. I want them to be in parallel so that I can do some stuff).
imported from threading import Thread
self.__rec_thread = Thread(target = self.record_wav())
amp_thread = Thread(target = self.test_wav())
EDIT: First its executing the record(it minimum takes 10 sec because of the option -d 10) function completely and then the test wav function. Its like calling them one after another.