A libreoffice document is a zip file containing (among other thing) some XML files.
s$ unzip -t test.odp
Archive: test.odp
testing: mimetype OK
testing: Configurations2/statusbar/ OK
testing: Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml OK
testing: Configurations2/floater/ OK
testing: Configurations2/popupmenu/ OK
testing: Configurations2/progressbar/ OK
testing: Configurations2/menubar/ OK
testing: Configurations2/toolbar/ OK
testing: Configurations2/images/Bitmaps/ OK
testing: content.xml OK
testing: styles.xml OK
testing: meta.xml OK
testing: settings.xml OK
testing: META-INF/manifest.xml OK
No errors detected in compressed data of test.odp.
I would like to dynamically generate an ODP slideshow using XSLT (and the xsltproc + the element <xsl:document/>
) from a xml file that could look like this:
<title>Slide 1</title>
<!-- (....) --->
<title>Slide N</title>
Is there any existing XSLT stylesheet for this ?
The file content.xml is complicated, what would be the minimal content for an odp, a HelloWorld.odp, that could work ?