I would like to add a published attribute to a dynamically created component. The code for the component is shown below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="import" href="name-form.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/red-asterisk.html">
<polymer-element name='name-view'>
<div id='name-view' class='flex-row-container view'>
<section id='row0' class='flex-row' >
<button id='add-name-btn'
class='button add-button'
autofocus>Add Name</button>
</section >
<section id='names' class='flex-column'>
<script type="application/dart">
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import 'dart:html' show Event, Node, Element;
@CustomTag( 'name-view' )
class NameViewForm extends PolymerEment
@published String receiver = '';
NameViewForm.created() : super.created();
void addName( Event e, var detail, Node target )
if( $[ 'names' ].children.length < 1 )
$[ 'names' ].children
.add( new Element.tag( 'name-form' ) );
.listen( (Event e)
(e.target as Element).remove();
It is the element ('name-form' created by
$[ 'names' ].children
.add( new Element.tag( 'name-form' ) );
to which I would like to add an attribute receiver='patient'.