I need help regarding SSRS Reporting my data is Coming from a Query and I also have added the Column Group Named as Subject Name Showing on the top of the Table() Also Added ApplicantID as Row Group and FName as a Row Group in the Report to fulfill my requirement that was just to show Since I am not Sure how many subjects a user can select its all decide on the run time so i did added the Subject name as a column group All the Subject records in a single row for a specific ApplicantId Instead of showing below my Requirement is
It Should looks like as a table
Anatomy Surgery Zoology
Part ISt
14 Hanan Qureshi Iqbal Qureshi 15.00 20.00 10.00
15 Tasneem Alam Imtiaz Alam 30.00 10.00 20.00
etc instead of Showing in a seperate row it should show in a single row