Metro Flyouts with MVVM

2019-05-31 07:58发布


I'm trying to use the Flyouts from MahApps.Metro in my application. So I added this part to my MainWindow.xaml:

    <controls:FlyoutsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Flyouts}">
            <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModel:SettingsViewModel}">

The ItemTemplate will contain the mappings from my viewmodels to the views. Flyouts is an ObservableCollection<IFlyoutViewModel> and currently only contains my SettingsViewModel.

The IFlyoutViewModel definition:

using System.ComponentModel;

namespace MyApplication.ViewModel
    internal interface IFlyoutViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        bool Visible { get; set; }

And how I use the Visible-property:

<controls:Flyout x:Class="MyApplication.View.SettingsFlyout"
                 IsOpen="{Binding Visible}"

So now I set the Visible-property of my SettingsViewModel, but the Flyout won't open. What am I doing wrong?

I just tried to assign IsOpen="true" hardcoded but this didn't work, too. So displaying the flyout with a datatemplate seems to be the problem...


I built it like described in the issue dicussion linked by Eldho, now it works. The key ist to define ItemContainerStyle and bind IsOpen there!

The new MainWindow.xaml:

    <controls:FlyoutsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Flyouts}">
            <view:FlyoutPositionConverter x:Key="FlyoutPositionConverter"/>
            <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModel:SettingsViewModel}">
            <Style BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type controls:Flyout}}"
               TargetType="{x:Type controls:Flyout}">
                <Setter Property="Header"
                    Value="{Binding Header}" />
                <Setter Property="IsOpen"
                    Value="{Binding Visible}" />
                <Setter Property="Position"
                    Value="{Binding Position, Converter={StaticResource FlyoutPositionConverter}}" />
                <Setter Property="IsModal"
                    Value="{Binding IsModal}" />
                <Setter Property="Theme" Value="Accent" />

The new IFlyoutViewModel:

using System.ComponentModel;

namespace MyApplication.ViewModel
    internal interface IFlyoutViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        string Header { get; }
        bool Visible { get; set; }
        Position Position { get; set; }
        bool IsModal { get; set; }

    public enum Position

The FlyoutPositionConverter is just a mapper between my position enum and the MahApps.Metro.Controls.Position because I didn't want to use the real positon in my viewmodel interface.

Also the view now no longer needs to be a Flyout, it can be a normal usercontrol.


Your first solution also should work well if you call OnPropertyChanged on the Setter of your Visible-Property