
How to setup node-inspector with vagrant?

2019-05-31 07:57发布


I have an meanjs application running on a vagrant box. My vagrantfile is as follows

 config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 27017, host: 27016 #mongodb
 config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 1337, host: 1338 #node inspector

 config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""

node inspector configuration is as follows

'node-inspector': {
  custom: {
    options: {
      'web-port': 1337,
      'web-host': 'localhost',
      'debug-port': 5858,
      'save-live-edit': true,
      'no-preload': true,
      'stack-trace-limit': 50,
      'hidden': []

I am not able to get the node inspector working on my host machine whenever

with vagrant I am able to get the node-inspector working on the local machine without vagrant


When you use static IP you do not need to forward port. Forward port is mainly used when you use bridge adapter. If you go to you should see your inspector


I figured the problems was the number of concurrent tasks configured for grunt-concurrent module. By default its equal to the number of cores in the pc. In my case it was two. So My node-inspecter module configuration in gruntfile.js

 concurrent: {
  default: ['nodemon', 'watch'],
  debug: ['node-inspector', 'nodemon', 'watch'],
  options: {
    logConcurrentOutput: true,
    limit: 5

There is also no debug in the hyperlink .It should be.

Port forwarding was required for both the ports to get the node inspector

config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 1337, host: 1337   
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 5858, host: 5858