
How to build a new dictionary with values from two

2019-05-31 08:06发布


Let's say we have two dictionaries with the following key pair values:

  • Dictionary 1 : [ {1,abc} {2,cde} {3,efg} ]
  • Dictionary 2: [ {1,123} {2,234} {3,345} ]
  • I want to create a dictionary as follows: Dictionary 3 : [ {abc,123} {cde,234} {efg,345} ]

        fieldValues = new List<List<string>>();
        docFieldKey = new List<List<string>>();
        docFieldValueDict = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
        docKeyDict = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
        iterateDocKeyDict = new List<string>();
        iterateDocFldValueDict = new List<string>();
        //To read row wise and store key and all values
        for (limit = 0; limit < docNames.Count; limit++)
            for (row = 0; row < excelData.Count; row++)
                if (excelData[row] == docNames[limit])
                    for (colLimit = row + 1; colLimit < fieldNames.Count; colLimit++)
                        flag = true;
                        fieldValues.Add(new List<string>());
                    if (flag == true)
                        docFieldValueDict.Add(docNames[limit], fieldValues[limit]);                          
        //To add concatenated key for each docName
        for (limit = 0; limit < docNames.Count; limit++)
            for (colLimit = 0; colLimit < concatKey.Count; colLimit++)
                if (concatKey[colLimit].Contains(docNames[limit]))
                    for (col = colLimit; col < fieldNames.Count - 1; col++)
                        flag = true;
                        docFieldKey.Add(new List<string>());
                    if (flag == true)
                        docKeyDict.Add(docNames[limit], docFieldKey[limit]);
        //to merge the key and the value from both dictionaries
        for (limit = 0; limit <docKeyDict.Count; limit++)
            var docKeyDictCompare = docKeyDict.ElementAt(limit);
            var docFldValueDictCompare = docFieldValueDict.ElementAt(limit);
            iterateDocKeyDict = docKeyDictCompare.Value;
            iterateDocFldValueDict = docFldValueDictCompare.Value;
            if (docKeyDictCompare.Key == docFldValueDictCompare.Key)
                for (col = 0; col < fieldNames.Count - 1; col++)
                    if ((iterateDocKeyDict.ElementAt(col)!=string.Empty) && (iterateDocFldValueDict.ElementAt(col)!=string.Empty))
                        flag = true;
                if (flag == true)
                    keyValuePairDict.Add(iterateDocKeyDict.ElementAt(col), iterateDocFldValueDict.ElementAt(col));

I tried the above but I get index out of range exception at

if ((iterateDocKeyDict.ElementAt(col)!=string.Empty) &&(iterateDocFldValueDict.ElementAt(col)!=string.Empty)) Error msg displayed in Console


Just looking at your sample dictionaries I would suggest this:

var dic1 = /* [ {1,abc} {2,cde} {3,efg} ] */;
var dic2 = /* [ {1,123} {2,234} {3,345} ] */;
var dic3 = dic1.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => dic2[x.Key]);

But looking at your fairly long code sample I'm not sure it is enough.


Try it like this:

var dictionaryC = dictionaryA.ToDictionary(dicA => dicA.Value, dicA => dictionaryB[dicA.Key]);