
Tornado IOLoop Exception in callback None in Celer

2019-05-31 07:28发布


I am using tornado.ioloop inside celery worker because I need to use mongodb.

class WorkerBase():
    def foo(self,args,callback)
        bar = ['Python','Celery','Javascript','HTML']

        # ... process something ....


    def RunMyTask(self,args):

        result = yield gen.Task(self.foo,args=args)
        # Stop IOLoop instance

def CeleryWorker(args):
    # This works because i'm adding base as WorkerBase
    return True

When I am invoking a task it gives an error saying:

[2014-10-02 12:12:11,561: ERROR/Worker-4] Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/var/www/myapp/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/ioloop.py", line 832, in start
fd_obj, handler_func = self._handlers[fd]
KeyError: 16


[2014-10-02 12:12:11,561: ERROR/Worker-4] Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/var/www/myapp/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/ioloop.py", line 832, in start
fd_obj, handler_func = self._handlers[fd]
KeyError: 14

These errors are not consistent. Is there any raise condition?


This looks like a threading problem. I'm not familiar with celery's threading model but it looks like it's starting multiple copies of CeleryWorker, each of which is trying to run the same singleton IOLoop.instance(). Each worker thread needs its own IOLoop if you're going to run it like this - look at what the synchronous tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient does to create and run a temporary IOLoop


Looks like your worker task just return and being treated as finished before ioloop stops, so gen.engine's callback cannot find the original stack_context I guess.

def CeleryWorker(args):
    # This works because i'm adding base as WorkerBase
    return True

I have some suggestion for you

1) remove return

def CeleryWorker(args):
    # This works because i'm adding base as WorkerBase

2) use run_sync

import functools

def CeleryWorker(args):
    # This works because i'm adding base as WorkerBase
    func = functools.partial(CeleryWorker.RunMyTask, args)