While I'm running parallel test cases using TestNG and selenium-webdriver, there are some browser instances that open empty and doesn't close even after the execution finish. I have read several topics on different forums asking about similar problems but none of them seems to be the same issue.
Also seems like more empty browsers are open when I add more test to the suite. I'm not sure what of the following information will be relevant for this problem but I will try to provide a complete picture of what I have:
- I'm using (as mentioned) TestNG - webdriver.
- I'm working with page objects pattern.
- I'm running my automation from a javafx interface, which allow the user to select some options.
- I'm using ChromeDriver to emulate mobile devices.
- I'm using a local thread of the driver which allow me to use an exclusive static driver for each test.
- No empty browser are open when I don't run in parallel.
This is my TestNg.xml:
<suite name="Suite" parallel="classes" thread-count="4">
<test name="Test">
<!-- Use include to specify what you want to run or exclude to not run the mentioned group(s) -->
<include name="fullRegression"/>
<exclude name="brokenOrDevelopment"/>
<!-- Packages who contains the test cases classes -->
<package name="Test"/>
This is the class which create the driver instance
public class TestCaseConfiguration {
protected HomePageObjects homePage = null;
protected DesiredCapabilities capabilities;
protected ExtentReports REPORTMANAGER;
protected ExtentTest REPORT;
public static ThreadLocal<ChromeDriver> driver;
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void setup() throws InterruptedException {
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "src/Tools/chromedriver.exe");//chrome driver version 2.20 | We need to have a relative path since no all the user will have the driver on C:
capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.chrome();
Map<String, String> mobileEmulation = new HashMap<String, String>();
mobileEmulation.put("deviceName", Constants.DEVICE);
Map<String, Object> chromeOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
chromeOptions.put("mobileEmulation", mobileEmulation);
capabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, chromeOptions);
* dirver is a ThreadLocal<ChromeDriver>. This allows the driver to be static and available for the complete project, and exclusive for each thread.
driver=new ThreadLocal<ChromeDriver>()
protected ChromeDriver initialValue()
return new ChromeDriver(capabilities);
driver.get().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(40, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
homePage = PageFactory.initElements(driver.get(), HomePageObjects.class);
@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void close() throws InterruptedException {
This class is extended by each test case class. The tests run as expected, the only problem seems to be the extra browser instances.
Doesn't anyone know how can I avoid that issue or if I'm doing something wrong? Thanks for the help.
This is how the browser looks when open empty