How to Import tab-delimited “CSV”

2019-05-31 04:38发布


In the Interacting With Your Docs List tutorial, Importing data from a CSV file shows how to import a CSV file with comma-separated values.

However, I'll be uploading a .txt file with tab-separated values. (Such as may be exported from Excel.)

How could that script be modified to recognize the imported spreadsheet as tab-separated values instead of comma-separated values?


Use Utilities.parseCsv(csv, delimiter). The following is adapted from the Google Apps Script tutorial Interacting With Your Docs List, replacing CSVToArray() with Utilities.parseCsv().

To automatically detect whether the deliminator is a tab or comma is a simple thing:

// Detect delimiter - tab or comma
var delim = ",";
if (csvFile.indexOf("\t") != -1) delim = "\t"; 


 * Populates a sheet with contents read from a CSV file located
 * in the user's GDrive. If either parameter is not provided, the
 * function will open inputBoxes to obtain them interactively.
 * Adapted from <I>Tutorial: Interacting With Your Docs List.</I>
 * @param {string}fileName (Optional) The name of the input file.
 * @param {string} sheetName (Optional) The name of the destination sheet.
 *        If the sheet does not exist, it will be created by
 *        this function. A pre-existing sheet will be cleared 
 *        before importing the CSV data.
 * @returns {JsonObject} A summary of the import operation,
 *        including the date the input file was last updated
 *        [see <a href="">File.getLastUpdated()</a>], and the number of rows
 *        and columns imported.
 * <PRE>
 *   { lastUpdated : 5-Mar-2014, numRows : 2541, numCols : 22 }
 *  </PRE>
 *  @throws {Error} "No Input File" if input CSV not found.
function importFromCSV(fileName,sheetName) {
  var useBrowser = (!fileName);   // Assume that spreadsheet UI in use, if no args
  fileName = fileName || Browser.inputBox("Enter the name of the file in your Docs List to import (e.g. myFile.csv):");
  sheetName = sheetName || Browser.inputBox("Enter the name of the sheet to import into (e.g. Sheet1):");

  var files = DocsList.getFiles();
  var csvFile = "";
  var lastUpdated = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    if (files[i].getName() == fileName) {
      csvFile = files[i].getContentAsString();
      lastUpdated = files[i].getLastUpdated();

  if (lastUpdated == 0) {
    Browser.msgBox("No Input File", "Either no file name was provided, or file does not exist.", Browser.Buttons.OK);
    throw new Error("No Input File");
  else {
    // Detect delimiter - tab or comma
    var delim = ",";
    if (csvFile.indexOf("\t") != -1) delim = "\t"; 

    var csvData = Utilities.parseCsv(csvFile, delim);

    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
    if (sheet === null) {
      sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);


    var numRows = csvData.length;
    var numCols = csvData[0].length; // assume all rows are same width

    // Make a single call to spreadsheet API to write values to sheet.
    sheet.getRange(1, 1, numRows, numCols).setValues( csvData );


  // Report results (if UI attached)  
  Browser.msgBox("Imported " + numRows + " rows x " + numCols + "columns");

  // Return an object with import results
  return { lastUpdated : lastUpdated, numRows : numRows, numCols : numCols };

Spreadsheet Menu Item

To create a custom menu front-end:

function onOpen() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var cMenuEntries = [{name: "Load CSV Data", functionName: "importFromCSV"}];
  ss.addMenu("Custom", cMenuEntries);

Call with parameters

You can also call the function from other scripts, passing arguments for the csv filename and spreadsheet tab.

function test_importFromCSV() {
  return importFromCSV("My CSV File.txt","Sheet1");