I have a PrestaShop and I'm trying to create a new order. I'm following the following steps:
Create a cart with the security key of the client I have previously created, the id of the product I want to buy and the quantity.
Then create a new order (sending a POST to
), passing the client id, the security key, the product id, the prices (with and without taxes), etc... This is the entire XML that I send:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><prestashop><order>
<payment>Pago en metalico</payment><conversion_rate>1</conversion_rate>
As you can see, I'm using the "cashondelivery" module. My problem is that when I post that XML to the API, the order get's created, but:
Somehow the order doesn't show up in the orders list, but I can get to that order if I go to "Clients -> shopping carts -> "id of cart I created before POST-ing the order XML" -> order created from this cart.
Once I'm in the order, I can't see the client details (because the id of the client doesn't get inserted). I'm pretty sure that the client with id 2 does exist, but I'm not sure why it isn't inserted with the POST I'm sending to the API.
Any idea why any of those two problems are happening?