i am running below hive coomand from beeline . Can someone please tell where can I see Map reudce logs for this ?
0: jdbc:hive2://<servername>:10003/> select a.offr_id offerID , a.offr_nm offerNm , b.disp_strt_ts dispStartDt , b.disp_end_ts dispEndDt , vld_strt_ts validStartDt, vld_end_ts validEndDt from gcor_offr a, gcor_offr_dur b where a.offr_id = b.offr_id and b.disp_end_ts > '2016-09-13 00:00:00';
When using beeline, MapReduce logs are part of HiveServer2 log4j logs.
If your Hive install was configured by Cloudera Manager (CM), then it will typically be in /var/log/hive/hadoop-cmf-HIVE-1-HIVESERVER2-*.out
on the node where HiveServer2 is running (may or may not be the same as where you are running beeline from)
Few other scenarios:
Your Hive install was not configured by CM ? You will need to manually create log4j config file:
- Create
config file in directory specified by HIVE_CONF_DIR
environment variable. (This makes it accessible to HiveServer2 JVM classpath)
- In this file, log location is specified by
and log.file
. See conf/hive-log4j.properties.template
in your distribution for an example template for this file.
You run beeline in "embedded HS2 mode" (i.e. beeline -u jdbc:hive2:// user password
) ?:
- You will customize beeline log4j (as opposed to HiveServer2 log4j).
- Beeline log4j properties file is strictly called
(in versions prior to Hive 2.0, it is called beeline-log4j.properties
). Needs to be created and made accessible to beeline JVM classpath via HIVE_CONF_DIR
. See HIVE-10502 and HIVE-12020 for further discussion on this.
You want to customize what HiveServer2 logs get printed on beeline stdout ?
- This can be configured at HiveServer2 level using
and hive.server2.logging.operation
Hive uses log4j for logging. These logs are not emitted to the standard output by default but are instead captured to a log file specified by Hive's log4j properties file. By default, Hive will use hive-log4j.default in the conf/ directory
of the Hive installation which writes out logs to /tmp/<userid>/hive.log
and uses the WARN level.
It is often desirable to emit the logs to the standard output and/or change the logging level for debugging purposes. These can be done from the command line as follows:
$HIVE_HOME/bin/hive --hiveconf hive.root.logger=INFO,console