This quote was taken from an answer to another question about Excel Security settings. The answer proposed using a digital certificate to sign macros to resolve the security issue. Towards the end of the answer, it was noted that: "When you digitally sign macros, it is important to obtain a time stamp. . ."
This is tricky in Office 2013, for a variety of reasons. First, there are two different ways to attach a signature to a spreadsheet. They are known as visible and invisible signatures. The visible signatures can be applied to the whole document using the File > Protect Workbook > Add a digital signature commands. To apply an invisible one to the VBA code alone, from the VBA editor, use the Tools > Digital Signature commands then Choose a certificate to sign with.
It would be preferable to simply protect the VBA code and not the entire spreadsheet, because as soon as you run the macro, the code writes its output into the spreadsheet, and since it's a protected workbook, the code errors out and comes to a halt. This workbook was designed as a demonstration and was saved with a read only recommendation and requires a password to modify it. We want the user to be able to have the macro write to the spreadsheet, but not to save the file with changes under the same name. Since applying a digital signature to the VBA only protects the VBA, when it writes to the spreadsheet, there is no error.
The problem is obtaining a timestamp on the certificate protecting the VBA.
There are a bewildering array of registry and group policy settings that affect timestamping, and it's quite unclear which settings are required to obtain a sha256 timestamp on my sha256 certificate when used to only protect the VBA. I've tried everything available that looks as though it could affect timestamping without joy.
While I've been able to sign spreadsheets and get that signature timestamped using the newer Office XAdES counter signature, the certificate used to sign the VBA project is not timestamped itself.
Entries it the following registry key are required: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Signatures
I believe the following values in the key only affect timestamping the whole workbook XAdES signature.
MinXAdESLevel DWORD 2 TSALocation XAdESLevel DWORD 5
From experimenting, I have found that it was possible to get the cert protecting the VBA countersigned with a timestamp by using the following registry entries:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VBA\Security: TimeStampURL TimeStampRetryCount DWORD 2 TimeStampRetryDelay DWORD 5
Unfortunately, I was only able to obtain a SHA1 timestamp when doing it this way. Soon, that will be like having no timestamp at all on Windows 10.
Does anyone know how to get a SHA256 timestamp in this situation?