I have a large application developed using Backbone.js and Marionette with Requirejs.We are using Grunt for build. I need to migrate Requirejs to Webpack as we are frequently seeing Module Load Timeout. I feel that multiple entry point approach of Webpack is a better approach than to convert single page to multi-page using Requirejs.
Overall we have approximately 400 js file and 250 html[partial] files. The project structure is
| |-- module-A
| |- model
| |- collection
| |- view
| |- module_utils
| |-- module-B
|-- module-A
|- view-1.html
|- view-2.html
|-- module-B
The requirejs config file appear as below:
paths: {
templates: "./../templates",
jquery: "/static/lib/jquery/jquery.min",
jquerymigrate: "/static/lib/jquery/jquery-migrate.min",
jqueryui: "/static/lib/jqueryui/ui/minified/jquery-ui.custom.min",
bootstrap: "/static/lib/bootstrap-3.1.1/dist/js/bootstrap",
shim: {
'jquerymigrate': ['jquery'],
'jquerybackstretch': ['jquery'],
'jqueryuniform': ['jquery'],
'jqueryui': ['jquery','jquerymigrate'],
'bootstrap': ['jquery'],
Here /static point to location that we have specified in nginx configuration to serve content like css, js etc.
To convert the same to webpack configuration I started with webpack config file to first create single file. And not starting with the multiple entry.
var webpack = require("webpack");
var path = require("path");
module.exports = {
entry: "./app.js",
output: {
path: __dirname,
filename: "bundle.js"
resolve: {
alias: {
"templates": "./../templates",
"jquery": "../../lib/jquery/jquery.min",
"jquerymigrate": "./..//lib/jquery/jquery-migrate.min",
"jqueryui": "../../lib/jqueryui/ui/minified/jquery-ui.custom.min",
"bootstrap": "../../lib/bootstrap-3.1.1/dist/js/bootstrap",
"moment": "../../lib/moment/min/moment.min",
} ,
extensions: ['', '.js'],
modulesDirectories: [ __dirname],
root: [path.resolve('./../app/modules/')]
function escapeRegExpString(str) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); }
function pathToRegExp(p) { return new RegExp("^" + escapeRegExpString(p)); }
In my requirejs based application, the modules are specified like
], function(_, Backbone, Utils, Constants, template) {
When I run webpack, I get error "Can not resolve module templates/common/popup-template.html ". However this html is a partial html/template to used by Backbone view to create views.
In one of the sites I saw that I need to html-loader plugin. And then set an alias in webpack config "text":"html". And change lines like this 'text!templates/common/popup-template.html' to '[exact path]/templates/common/popup-template.html'. That means I will need to change lots of code.
Is there a better approach for this migration?
thanks Pradeep