What is the best way to test methods that traverse

2019-05-30 18:03发布


I have tried to test small react components. The following component is a tab system that when click a tab, change the className of the tab was clicked. It is working but I want to test them and I dont know how is the steps to test a method that traverse a lot of components. I put the code above.

TabSystem: Has a method to change the currentTab state, this method is as prop in the tabs component that renders each tab.

  handleClick (currentTab) {
    this.setState({ currentTab })

  render () {
    return (
        <Tabs tabs = {tabs2} currentTab = {this.state.currentTab} onClick = {this.handleClick}/>

Tabs: Receive into onClick prop the parent method, this method is as prop into tab component, my goal is to add the onClick method only in the name of the tab.

  renderTabs () {
    return this.props.tabs.map((tab, index) => {
      var classname = index === this.props.currentTab ? 'active' : null;
      var clickHandler = this.props.onClick.bind(null, index);
      return (
        <Tab key={tab.name} onClick={clickHandler} index={index} className={classname} name={tab.name}/>
  render () {
    return (

Tab: Receive again into onClick prop the parent method.

  render () {
    return (
      <span className={this.props.className} onClick={this.props.onClick}>

What is the best way to test this method? Do I need in all components the method that works well?


I wrote a testing library that abstracts React's test utils. https://github.com/Legitcode/tests You can do something like:

Test(<TestComponent />)
.simulate({method: 'click', element: 'button'})
.element(button => {

You get the idea, hopefully that helps.