How do I obtain proper App Engine module hostname

2019-05-30 15:24发布


According to the docs on App Engine, when using the domain you have to do some trickery with -dot- instead of . in subdomains.

Please note that in April of 2013, Google stopped issuing SSL certificates for double-wildcard domains hosted at (i.e. If you rely on such URLs for HTTPS access to your application, please change any application logic to use "-dot-" instead of ".". For example, to access version "1" of application "myapp" use "" instead of "" If you continue to use "" the certificate will not match, which will result in an error for any User-Agent that expects the URL and certificate to match exactly.

I am trying to figure out the best way to generate these URLs using the SDK without manually replacing the dots. I've tried modules.get_hostname(module="my module name") but it returns a traditional sub-domain that triggers the SSL mismatch error.

Edit Per suggestion, I opened a feature request for this functionality


So given for example

x = ''

you need to replace all but the last two dots with -dot- (the last two must remain since the part much stay untouched).

Given this, I'd recommend:

>>> x = ''
>>> dots = x.count('.')
>>> x.replace('.', '-dot-', dots - 2)

The key ideas: x.count('.') tells you how many dots in all string x contains; the third optional argument to x.replace tells Python how many dots, at most, are to be replaced.


The gcloud command-line utility now has gcloud app browse, which will take you to the correct URL. For example, the following commands will launch the URL

gcloud config set project myapp
gcloud app browse --service="amodule" --version="1"


gcloud app browse --project="myapp" --service="amodule" --version="1"

By default it will attempt opening the URL in a browser, but you can use the --no-launch-browser flag to only display the URL.

Full docs at