I don't know where to begin to debug this. Some developers have been writing some pl/sql code locally on their Windows machines that complete fine using Oracle - 64bit. When it gets to production, which is Red Hat 5.3 and running, it gives me this error:
ORA-00904: "S"."BARSTREAMREFERENCEID": invalid identifier
Here is the gist of the code that is working in Windows:
update candyman.CANDY_REFERENCES s
set ( s.flavour, s.taste, s.colour, s.privateField3 ) =
( select * from
( select r.flavour, r.taste, r.colour, null
from candyman.FOO_REFERENCE_SET t
join candyman.FOO_REFERENCES r on r.fooReferenceID = t.fooReferenceID
where t.barStreamReferenceID = s.barStreamReferenceID
order by r.colour )
where rownum = 1 )
where privateField3 is not null
and exists
( select 1
from candyman.FOO_REFERENCE_SET t
join candyman.FOO_REFERENCES r on r.fooReferenceID = t.fooReferenceID
where t.barStreamReferenceID = s.barStreamReferenceID )
I know... they should have updated their Oracle versions with the rest of the company and be developing on the same version as production, but it is too late and I can't control them...
Any ideas are greatly appreciated.