Wicket - getting body of markup element

2019-05-30 10:07发布


Assuming I have markup that looks like this :

<span wicket:id="text">Some text that I'd like to read</span>

Is it possible to get the content of the body of the tag somewhere, or is it irremediably stripped by wicket?

Edit : My intent is to implement some kind of simple CMS. Users need to be able to enter LaTeX formulas, in the form of tex>a^2</tex> that I would then render with a RenderedDynamicImageResource. Other tags need to be interpreted in a similar way. I envisioned to do it in two steps with a Panel like this :

public class LightweightMarkupPanel extends Panel implements IComponentResolver {
    public LightweightMarkupPanel ( String id ) {
        super( id );

    public MarkupStream getAssociatedMarkupStream( boolean throwException ) {
        // Get the lightweight markup and convert it to wicket markup

    public boolean resolve( MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag ) {
        // AutoAdd components as needed

I've been struggling with this problem for a while, so maybe I'm searching in the wrong direction.


The MarkupStream object of the Component contains the raw HTML body. You can retrieve it using the markupStream.get().toString() method like this:

// <span wicket:id="message">message will be here</span>
add(new Label("message", "If you see this message ..."){
     protected void onComponentTagBody(
         MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag) {
         markupStream.get(); // "message will be here"
         super.onComponentTagBody(markupStream, openTag);

标签: java wicket