Error message from install.packages() - wayward co

2019-05-30 08:36发布


With RStudio and running under Windows, my effort to install the textreg package encountered a strange error:

> install.packages("textreg")
Warning in install.packages :
  downloaded length 17116 != reported length 200
Warning in install.packages :
  downloaded length 17116 != reported length 200
Error in install.packages : Found continuation line starting '  <title>Marriott – ...' at begin of record.

Does the error tell me that something in the package has the gremlin ....? Can I fix that problem at my end or should I write Luke Miratrix, the maintainer? Or am I doing something foolish?

Thank you


The windows binary is currently not available from CRAN and that install.packages didn't report that indicates that the mirror is not up-to-date. However, I was able to build the package from source on my Win7 system. Thus, you can use install.packages("textreg", type="source").


The windows binary is currently not available from CRAN because the package failed the windows test suite (for reasons as yet unknown). I am working on fixing that error and apologize for any inconvenience. That being said, installing as mentioned above via

install.packages("textreg", type="source")

will give you a working package. If you get it to crash, please contact me (the maintainer) with details.

Also note that a further mild issue is the static vignette "bathtub" does not show up on CRAN, but is in the inst/doc directory of the package. You can also test the package with the testthat package using the inst/test/testthat folder in the package.