Consider the following code:
chan configure stdin -blocking false
while { true } {
chan gets stdin
if { chan blocked stdin } { break }
Here at the last line of the loop chan blocked stdin
returns true in either cases: when there is no more input available at stdin
, and when there there is some input available at stdin
, but it doesn't end with a newline character. I need to distinguish these two cases.
How can I do that?
chan pending input stdin
also returns 0
in both cases.
Here is the context where the above code is used.
proc prompt { } { puts -nonewline stdout "MyShell > "; flush stdout }
proc evaluate { } \
chan configure stdin -blocking false
while { true } {
# for "stdin -blocking false" "read stdin" acts like "gets stdin"
set part [chan read stdin 100]
append command $part
if { $part eq "" } { break }
chan configure stdin -blocking true
# Here I want test if there are pending characters at stdin,
# and while so, I want to wait for newline character.
# It should be like this:
# while { *the required test goes here* } {
# append command [chan gets stdin]\n
# }
while { ! [info complete $command] } {
append command [chan gets stdin]\n
catch { uplevel #0 $command } got
if { $got ne "" } {
puts stderr $got
flush stderr
chan event stdin readable evaluate
while { true } { update; after 100 }