Back Story (not really important but it frames the question)
I have a TagLib in a JSP that takes its contents and wraps its containing code in a script block (it does much more but for the sake of the question it is not important). For example:
<aui:script use="some-module">
//my code
will be served as
<script type="text/javascript>
AUI().use('sub-module', function(A) {
// my code
The Question
I would like all the code in between <aui:script use="things"></aui:script>
and to have JavaScript syntax highlighting. So I tried editing the HTML.tmLanguage
file to include this but Sublime Text 2 throws a fit.
Admittedly my regex knowledge is poor.
How can I edit HTML.tmLanguage
to include my <aui:script />
Site note, the taglib accepts various attributes like use
and position
I have so much trouble with the regex rules but I managed to get it somewhat working using the normal rules. I should add that this is a new block, along with the regular one.
name = 'source.js.embedded.html';
begin = '(?:^\s+)?(<)((?i:(aui[\:]script)))\b(?![^>]*/>)';
end = '(?<=</(aui[\:]script))(>)(?:\s*\n)?';
beginCaptures = {
1 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.tag.html'; };
2 = { name = ''; };
endCaptures = {
2 = {
name = 'punctuation.definition.tag.html';
patterns = (
include = '#tag-stuff';
begin = '(?<!</(?:aui[\:]script))(>)';
end = '(</)((?i:aui[\:]script))';
captures = {
1 = {
name = 'punctuation.definition.tag.html';
2 = {
name = '';
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.double-slash.js';
match = '(//).*?((?=</(aui[\:]script))|$\n?)';
captures = {
1 = {
name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.js';
name = 'comment.block.js';
begin = '/\*';
end = '\*/|(?=</(aui[\:]script))';
captures = {
0 = {
name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.js';
include = '#php';
include = 'source.js';
XML Format