I have developed a chat bot in node.js and deployed it to Microsoft Azure. I have done debugging locally using bot framework channel emulator and everything was perfect along with two buttons which I have added to a Hero Card. But after deploying the same code to Azure, those two buttons were converted to two bullets.
bot.dialog('/secondaryTrigger', [
function (session) {
var hCard = new builder.HeroCard(session)
.title('Hi '+session.userData.splittedName[0]+'!')
.text('Select Your Billability Please')
builder.CardAction.imBack(session, 'Billable', 'Billable'),
builder.CardAction.imBack(session, 'Non-Billable', 'Non-Billable')
var msg = new builder.Message(session).attachments([hCard]);
While debugging locally
After Deploying to Azure
I can not find the justification/reason behind it. Anybody faced the same issue?