I'm currently using SlackConnector Repo https://github.com/noobot/SlackConnector. I've created a bot and it sends interactive messages to my chat. I would like to add functionality to my interactive buttons but upon clicking them i get this response. Darn – that didn’t work. Only Slack Apps can add interactive elements to messages. Manage your apps here: https://api.slack.com/apps/
So it looks like I need a request URL to get my past my current roadblock. Is there a way to Test the Interactive Message button locally?
List<SlackAttachment> attachments = new List<SlackAttachment>();
List<SlackAttachmentAction> actions = new List<SlackAttachmentAction>();
actions.Add(new SlackAttachmentAction
Name = "game",
Text = "chess",
Type = "button",
Value = "Chess"
actions.Add(new SlackAttachmentAction
Name = "game",
Text = "Falken's Maze",
Type = "button",
Value = "Maze"
actions.Add( new SlackAttachmentAction
Name = "game",
Text = "Thermonuclear War",
Type = "danger",
Value = "war"
attachments.Add(new SlackAttachment
Text = "Choose a game to play",
Fallback = "You are unable to choose a game",
CallbackId = "wopr_game",
ColorHex = "#3AA3E3",
Actions = actions
connection.Say(new BotMessage
ChatHub = chatHub,
Text = "Usage: !talk <user>",
Attachments = attachments
return Task.CompletedTask;
One thing I tried was I set the request URL to use a url generated from https://webhook.site/#/ and I still get the same response upon clicking