BUG In Highchart's Mouse Event With Plot Type

2019-05-30 04:16发布


It looks like there is some bug in mouse event tracking in highcharts line plot, I am not sure whether its bug or not, I have one more post on same matter here few days ago, How to correct mouse event in Highcharts, in which one of the engineers of highcharts support, suggested to sort x axis, I did the same as he suggested, but result is one which I can't accept in practical

Here is link to Fiddle, please look into it

1 ) Good pattern yaxis sorted mouse event not working ---> Good

    <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
    <div id="container" style="height: 400px"></div>
    $(function () {
    title: {
        text: 'Y axes reversed'

    yAxis: {
        reversed: true  
    series: [{
[ 25.290,1.000 ],
[ 25.240,2.000 ],
[ 25.210,3.000 ],
[ 25.190,4.000 ],
[ 25.180,5.000 ],
[ 25.170,6.000 ],
[ 25.160,7.000 ],
[ 25.310,8.000 ],
[ 25.210,9.000 ],
[ 25.170,10.000 ],
[ 25.160,11.000 ],
[ 25.160,12.000 ],
[ 25.150,13.000 ],

2 ) Bad pattern xaxis sorted mouse event is working --->Bad

 <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
 <div id="container" style="height: 400px"></div>
$(function () {

    title: {
        text: 'Y axes reversed'
    xAxis :{opposite: true, },
    yAxis: {
        reversed: true  
    series: [{
[ 25.150,13.000 ],
[ 25.160,12.000 ],
[ 25.160,11.000 ],
[ 25.160,7.000 ],
[ 25.170,6.000 ],
[ 25.170,10.000 ],
[ 25.180,5.000 ],
[ 25.190,4.000 ],
[ 25.210,9.000 ],
[ 25.210,3.000 ],
[ 25.240,2.000 ],
[ 25.290,1.000 ],
[ 25.310,8.000 ],

Please someone help me to solve issue, This is what I have tried so far My Try on fiddle ,here you can see with same data y axis sorted with scatter plot mouse event is working but not working with line plot.

<script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<div id="container" style="height: 400px"></div>

var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
        renderTo: 'container',
        defaultSeriesType: 'scatter'
title :{ 
        text:'overlap, scatter points on line for mouse events, trying to keep same color and legend so that mouse event might work, do not know how to do it'

xAxis : { opposite : true },
yAxis : { reversed : true },
series: [{
name: '07-Jan-2006 07:30:00 AM' ,
[ 25.290,1.000 ],
[ 25.240,2.000 ],
[ 25.210,3.000 ],
[ 25.190,4.000 ],
[ 25.180,5.000 ],
[ 25.170,6.000 ],
[ 25.160,7.000 ],
[ 25.310,8.000 ],
[ 25.210,9.000 ],
[ 25.170,10.000 ],
[ 25.160,11.000 ],
[ 25.160,12.000 ],
[ 25.150,13.000 ],
 name: '07-Jan-2006 07:30:00 AM' ,
 type : 'line',
 marker: {enabled:false},
 enableMouseTracking: false,

[ 25.290,1.000 ],
[ 25.240,2.000 ],
[ 25.210,3.000 ],
[ 25.190,4.000 ],
[ 25.180,5.000 ],
[ 25.170,6.000 ],
[ 25.160,7.000 ],
[ 25.310,8.000 ],
[ 25.210,9.000 ],
[ 25.170,10.000 ],
[ 25.160,11.000 ],
[ 25.160,12.000 ],
[ 25.150,13.000 ],