Hi i have to develop android BBc news reader application from BBC NEWS READER
Here i have to import these app from above link and run the app means i get the following error.how can i resolve these error ??? please help me
The error is :
SherlockActivity cannot be resolved to a type...i got the error on below line...
public class WidgetConfigActivity extends SherlockActivity {
ListView listView;
I have added library file also.
- Download ActionBarSherlock from here.
- Unzip the downloaded file and import the project to Eclipse.
- Right-click on your project -> Properties
- In Android->Library section click Add
- If you added the ActionBarSherlock library correctly you can find it
- Add it your project
Checkout this documentation on how to reference a library project in eclipse.
To remove the android-support-library
dependancy error, remove the android-support-v4.jar
file present in the libs section of your project.
The reason for the error is that ActionBarSherlock
already has an android-support-v4.jar
along with the library. So there arises a conflict between the two files