I'm hoping some of you out there have tried out visual studio code for OSX and have gotten it to work with a simple C# console application.
I tried following this guys tutorial, linked below.
Creating and Debugging C# Console Apps with Visual Studio Code on OSX
My problem is that the command "dnx run" is not showing in my command line options in visual studio code. The command "dnx run" works from the terminal, but doesn't show in visual studio code as an available command. All I see from visual studio code for dnx is below.
Additionally I noticed the tutorial tells you to run "dnx .run" from the terminal, this doesn't work for me, it says the command ".run" is invalid, but "dnx run" does work and successfully runs the console application. I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it.
Some background info:
1.) installed dmvm by running this:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/Home/dev/dnvminstall.sh | DNX_BRANCH=dev sh && source ~/.dnx/dnvm/dnvm.sh
2.) installed dnx mono by running this:
dnvm upgrade -r mono
3.) installed yeoman by running this:
npm install -g yo
4.) installed aspnet generator by running this:
npm install generator-aspnet
5.)ran "yo aspet" and chose console application and named it.
6.) ran "dnu restore" in directory of console app.
7.) ran "dnu build" in directory of console app.
8.) go to run "dnx .run" and get an error saying command not found. Run command "dnx run" and successfully runs console app.
9.) "dnx run" command (or any form of it) is not available from VSCode and it appears it should be according to the tutorial.
I realize this isn't really a code question, but resources on the web are pretty low or confusing regarding getting VScode up and running. Also i'm not a big OSX expert. Does anyone know why I don't see this command from VSCode?
Maybe the tutorial is outdated and dnx run is not available from VSCode anymore or something like that?