Using Django with a PostgreSQL (8.x) backend, I have a model where I need to skip a block of ids, e.g. after giving out 49999 I want the next id to be 70000 not 50000 (because that block is reserved for another source where the instances are added explicitly with id - I know that's not a great design but it's what I have to work with).
What is the correct/safest place for doing this?
I know I can set the sequence with
(SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('myapp_mymodel', 'id')),
but when does Django actually pull a number from the sequence?
Do I override, call its super and then grab me a cursor and check with
SELECT currval(
(SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('myapp_mymodel', 'id'))
I believe that a sequence may be advanced by django even if saving the model fails, so I want to make sure whenever it hits that number it advances - is there a better place than save()?
P.S.: Even if that was the way to go - can I actually figure out the currval for save()'s session like this? if I grab me a connection and cursor, and execute that second SQL statement, wouldn't I be in another session and therefore not get a currval?
Thank you for any pointers.
EDIT: I have a feeling that this must be done at database level (concurrency issues) and posted a corresponding PostgreSQL question - How can I forward a primary key sequence in PostgreSQL safely?
As I haven't found an "automated" way of doing this yet, I'm thinking of the following workaround - it would be feasible for my particular situation:
- Set the sequence with a MAXVALUE 49999 NO CYCLE
- When 49999 is reached, the next save() will run into a postgres error
- Catch that exception and reraise as a form error "you've run out of numbers, please reset to the next block then try again"
- Provide a view where the user can activate the next block, i.e. execute "ALTER SEQUENCE my_seq RESTART WITH 70000 MAXVALUE 89999"
I'm uneasy about doing the restart automatically when catching the exception:
except RunOutOfIdsException:
as I fear two concurrent save()'s running out of ids will lead to two separate restarts, and a subsequent violation of the unique constraint. (basically same concept as original problem)
My next thought was to not use a sequence for the primary key, but rather always specify the id explicitly from a separate counter table which I check/update before using its latest number - that should be safe from concurrency issues. The only problem is that although I have a single place where I add model instances, other parts of django or third-party apps may still rely on an implicit id, which I don't want to break.
But that same mechanism happens to be easily implemented on postgres level - I believe this is the solution:
- Don't use SERIAL for the primary key, use DEFAULT my_next_id()
- Follow the same logic as for "single level gapless sequence" - - my_next_id() does an update followed by a select
- Instead of just increasing by 1, check if a boundary was crossed and if so, increase even further