is it possible to override an editor template?
I have DateTime fields in my model, which are used for arrival/departure dates - and these are rendered using the following EditorTemplate:
@model Nullable<System.DateTime>
@if ( Model.HasValue ) {
@Html.TextBox( "" , String.Format( "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" , Model.Value ) , new { @class = "datepicker span2" } )
else {
@Html.TextBox( "" , String.Format( "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" , DateTime.Now ) , new { @class = "datepicker span2" } )
...which will format datetime fields eg: 01/08/2012
However, I also want to show, in another field, the date AND time a booking was made eg:
22/07/2012 08:23
My model is:
public DateTime Arrival { get; set; }
public DateTime Departure { get; set; }
public DateTime TimeBooked { get; set; }
I would like TimeBooked to show time as well - but the Editor Template obviously just shows the date.
Can this be overridden? Or is there another way of doing this?
Thank you,