How do you run a synchronous timer in C#?

2019-05-30 03:10发布


I am writing an app which uses a timer to display a countdown on screen to when some event happens. I want to reuse the timer, as it would be handy for a few things in the app, so I specify the words I want to wrap round the timer. For example, the following function call:

CountdownTimer(90, "You have ", " until the computer reboots");

would show:

You have 1 minute 30 seconds until the computer reboots

and then count down.

I am using the following code:

    private void CountdownTimer(int Duration, string Prefix, string Suffix)
        Countdown = new DispatcherTimer();
        Countdown.Tick += new EventHandler(Countdown_Tick);
        Countdown.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

        CountdownTime = Duration;
        CountdownPrefix = Prefix;
        CountdownSuffix = Suffix;

    private void Countdown_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (CountdownTime > 0)
            int seconds = CountdownTime % 60;
            int minutes = CountdownTime / 60;

            Timer.Content = CountdownPrefix;

            if (minutes != 0)
                Timer.Content = Timer.Content + minutes.ToString() + @" minute";
                if (minutes != 1) { Timer.Content = Timer.Content + @"s"; }
                Timer.Content = Timer.Content + " ";

            if (seconds != 0)
                Timer.Content = Timer.Content + seconds.ToString() + @" second";
                if (seconds != 1) { Timer.Content = Timer.Content + @"s"; }

            Timer.Content = Timer.Content + CountdownSuffix;



How do I make this run synchronously? For example I would want the following to wait 90 seconds and then reboot:

CountdownTimer(90, "You have ", " until the computer reboots");

Whereas it calls the reboot immediately at present.

Any pointers would be most welcome!




Personally, I'd recommend having a callback happen at the end of your CountdownTimer - perhaps taking an Action as an argument, such that when it completed it'd be called.

private Action onCompleted;
private void CountdownTimer(int Duration, string Prefix, string Suffix, Action callback)
    Countdown = new DispatcherTimer();
    Countdown.Tick += new EventHandler(Countdown_Tick);
    Countdown.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

    CountdownTime = Duration;
    CountdownPrefix = Prefix;
    CountdownSuffix = Suffix;

    this.onCompleted = callback;
        Action temp = this.onCompleted; // thread-safe test for null delegates
        if (temp != null)

Then you could just change your usage to:

CountdownTimer(90, "You have ", " until the computer reboots", 
    () => ExitWindowsEx(2,0));


You could use an AutoResetEvent:

System.Threading.AutoResetEvent _countdownFinishedEvent
    = new AutoResetEvent(false);

Add this at the end of CountdownTimer:


And add this inside the else of Countdown_Tick just after Countdown.Stop():
