I'm trying to run an analysis in parallel on our computing cluster.
Unfortunately I've had to set up Rmpi myself and may not have done so properly.
Because I had to install all necessary packages into my home folder, I always have to call
before I can load packages.
However, it appears that doMPI
attempts to load itself, before I can set the library path.
cat("Step 1")
cl <- startMPIcluster()
cat("Step 2")
Children_mcmc1 = foreach(i=1:2) %dopar% {
cat("Step 3")
cat("Step 4")
nitt = 1000; thin = 50; burnin = 100
MCMCglmm( children ~ paternalage.factor ,
pr = F, saveX = T, saveZ = T,
If I do
mpirun -H localhost -n 3 R --slave -f "3 - krmh mcmcglmm scc test 2.r"
I get (after removing some boilerplate messages)
During startup - Warning message:
Step 1
Step 1
Step 1
Step 2Error in { : task 2 failed - "cannot open the connection"
Calls: %dopar% ->
Execution halted
If I do
R --slave -f "3 - krmh mcmcglmm scc test 2.r"
I get
Step 1
Error in library(doMPI) : there is no package called 'doMPI'
Calls: local ... eval -> suppressMessages -> withCallingHandlers -> library
Execution halted
Error in library(doMPI) : there is no package called 'doMPI'
Calls: local ... eval -> suppressMessages -> withCallingHandlers -> library
Execution halted
I've tried installing doMPI
on the run, but even though Step 2 isn't printed, it seems as if the error results from the loop.
And of course, with all this I'm still testing on our frontend, I haven't it made it to submitting the job to the intended cluster yet.
I tried to specify the .libPaths
call in my .Rprofile, but I'm not sure this would get read on the cluster and I can't even get it to get read on the frontend (and I couldn't figure out where R is looking for the file).