In a script that sends email in HTML format I add an image that is stored in a public shared folder.
I get the blob using UrlFetchApp.fetch(photoLink)
but the image has not necessarily the right size so in the html code I use width and height attributes (for now with fixed values, see code below) but I'd like it to be automatically resized with the right ratio.
To achieve that I need to know how to get the original size of the image (height and width) but I just don't know how to get it without inserting the image in an intermediate document (which would work but I find this approach a bit weird and unnecessarily complicated... moreover I don't feel like having a useless doc appearing each time I change the image file).
Here is the relevant part of the code that creates the email message :
function sendMail(test,rowData,genTitle,day,title,stHour,endHour){
var photoLink = sh.getRange('H1').getValue();
var image = UrlFetchApp.fetch(photoLink);
//************* find the pixel size of the image to get its ratio
var msgTemplate = '<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="'+photoLink+'" BORDER=0 ALT="logo" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=300></A><BR><BR>'+
'Résumé de vos réservations au nom de <NOM><BR><BR><BR><table style="background-color:lightblue;border-collapse:collapse;" border = 1 cellpadding = 5><th></th><th><TABLEHEADER></th><EVENTS></table><BR><CONCLUSION><BR>Cordialement,<BR><BR>';
var mailTitle = 'Confirmation de réservation - '+getTextFromHtml(genTitle);
var descr = '';
for(var d = 0;d<day.length;++d){
var content = '<tr bgcolor="#ffffbb" width="100%"><td><NUMBER> </td><td > <DESCRIPTION></td></tr>'
if(Number(rowData[(d+5)])>1){var pl = ' places'}else{var pl = ' place'};
content = content.replace('<NUMBER>',rowData[(d+5)]+pl);
content = content.replace('<DESCRIPTION>',title[d]+' de '+stHour[d]+' heures à '+endHour[d]+' heures');
descr += content;
msgTemplate = msgTemplate.replace('<NOM>',rowData[1]).replace('<EVENTS>',descr).replace('<TABLEHEADER>',genTitle);
var textVersion = getTextFromHtml(msgTemplate.replace(/<br>/gi,'\n').replace(/<td>/gi,'\n'));
// Logger.log(textVersion)
MailApp.sendEmail(Session.getEffectiveUser().getEmail(),mailTitle, textVersion,{'htmlBody':msgTemplate,"replyTo" : retour});
MailApp.sendEmail(rowData[2],mailTitle, textVersion,{'htmlBody':msgTemplate,"replyTo" : retour});