I activate the drive API, (V2), and I try to publish to the web a file
I try the following, but obviously, I miss something (the resource). Can somebody help me?
many thanks in advance
function test(){
var fileId = '1c5fRpKAk2YdUVzCa1LOCqDgTLZmYjsfSvTzR9BSGPYo';
var revisions = Drive.Revisions.list(fileId);
var items = revisions.items;
var revisionId = items[items.length-1].id;
var resource;
Drive.Revisions.update( resource , fileId, revisionId).published = true;
several months later, we got the solution !!
//this function publish to the web the document given by ID (google sheets or docs)
function publishToWeb(){
var fileId = 'WqcTq4c3iumeEUSgPMCcM8yKUqycQsrn_w3XeE';
var revisions = Drive.Revisions.list(fileId);
var items = revisions.items;
var revisionId =items[items.length-1].id;
var resource = Drive.Revisions.get(fileId, revisionId);
resource.published = true;
resource.publishAuto = true;
resource.publishedOutsideDomain = true;
Drive.Revisions.update(resource, fileId, revisionId);