The following best practice checks fail when Cassandra's PasswordAuthenticator is enabled:
- Search nodes enabled with bad autocommit
- Search nodes enabled with query result cache
- Search nodes with bad filter cache
My values are in compliance with the recommended values; and I have confirmed that the checks indeed pass when I disable authentication in Cassandra. What's weird is that there are 6 checks under the "Solr Advisor" category of the Best Practice Service and only these 3 are failing when authentication is enabled.
Is this a known bug in Opscenter? I'm using v5.0.1 but I've seen this since v5.0.0.
Where can I file bug reports like this? Does Datastax have a public bug tracker?
I actually feel that this question is more appropriate under ServerFault but I don't have enough reputation in that site to create the tags "datastax" and "datastax-enterprise". Can somebody do so please and move this question?