I tried solving your problem using thrust. It works, but it results in a lot of thrust calls.
Since your input size is rather small, you should process multiple arrays in parallel.
However, doing this results in a lot of book-keeping effort, you will see this in the following code.
Your input range is limited to [1,5]
, which is equivalent to [0,4]
. The general idea is that (theoretically) any tuple out of this range (e.g. {1,2,3}
can be represented as a number in base 4 (e.g. 1+2*4+3*16 = 57
In practice we are limited by the size of the integer type. For a 32bit unsigned integer this will lead to a maximum tuple size of 16
. This is also the maximum window size the following code can handle (changing to a 64bit unsigned integer will lead to a maximum tuple size of 32
Let's assume the input data is structured like this:
We have 2
arrays we want to process in parallel, each array is of size 5
and window size is 3
We can now generate all windows:
Using a per tuple prefix sum and applying the aforementioned representation of each tuple as a single base-4 number, we get:
Now we reorder the values so we have the numbers which represent a subarray of a specific length next to each other:
We then sort within each group:
Now we can count how often a number occurs in each group:
Applying the log-formula results in
Now we fetch the minimum value per array:
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/copy.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/zip_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/random.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <thrust/tuple.h>
#include <thrust/reduce.h>
#include <thrust/scan.h>
#include <thrust/gather.h>
#include <thrust/sort.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <chrono>
#define PRINTER(name) print(#name, (name))
#define PRINTER(name)
template <template <typename...> class V, typename T, typename ...Args>
void print(const char* name, const V<T,Args...> & v)
std::cout << name << ":\t";
thrust::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(std::cout, "\t"));
std::cout << std::endl;
template <typename Integer, Integer Min, Integer Max>
struct random_filler
Integer operator()(std::size_t index) const
thrust::default_random_engine rng;
thrust::uniform_int_distribution<Integer> dist(Min, Max);
return dist(rng);
template <std::size_t ArraySize,
std::size_t ArrayCount,
std::size_t WindowSize,
typename T,
std::size_t WindowCount = ArraySize - (WindowSize-1),
std::size_t PerArrayCount = WindowSize * WindowCount>
__device__ __inline__
thrust::tuple<T,T,T,T> calc_indices(const T& i0)
const T i1 = i0 / PerArrayCount;
const T i2 = i0 % PerArrayCount;
const T i3 = i2 / WindowSize;
const T i4 = i2 % WindowSize;
return thrust::make_tuple(i1,i2,i3,i4);
template <typename Iterator,
std::size_t ArraySize,
std::size_t ArrayCount,
std::size_t WindowSize,
std::size_t WindowCount = ArraySize - (WindowSize-1),
std::size_t PerArrayCount = WindowSize * WindowCount,
std::size_t TotalCount = PerArrayCount * ArrayCount
class sliding_window
typedef typename thrust::iterator_difference<Iterator>::type difference_type;
struct window_functor : public thrust::unary_function<difference_type,difference_type>
__host__ __device__
difference_type operator()(const difference_type& i0) const
auto t = calc_indices<ArraySize, ArrayCount,WindowSize>(i0);
return thrust::get<0>(t) * ArraySize + thrust::get<2>(t) + thrust::get<3>(t);
typedef typename thrust::counting_iterator<difference_type> CountingIterator;
typedef typename thrust::transform_iterator<window_functor, CountingIterator> TransformIterator;
typedef typename thrust::permutation_iterator<Iterator,TransformIterator> PermutationIterator;
typedef PermutationIterator iterator;
sliding_window(Iterator first) : first(first){}
iterator begin(void) const
return PermutationIterator(first, TransformIterator(CountingIterator(0), window_functor()));
iterator end(void) const
return begin() + TotalCount;
Iterator first;
template <std::size_t ArraySize,
std::size_t ArrayCount,
std::size_t WindowSize,
typename Iterator>
sliding_window<Iterator, ArraySize, ArrayCount, WindowSize>
make_sliding_window(Iterator first)
return sliding_window<Iterator, ArraySize, ArrayCount, WindowSize>(first);
template <typename KeyType,
std::size_t ArraySize,
std::size_t ArrayCount,
std::size_t WindowSize>
struct key_generator : thrust::unary_function<KeyType, thrust::tuple<KeyType,KeyType> >
thrust::tuple<KeyType,KeyType> operator()(std::size_t i0) const
auto t = calc_indices<ArraySize, ArrayCount,WindowSize>(i0);
return thrust::make_tuple(thrust::get<0>(t),thrust::get<2>(t));
template <typename Integer,
std::size_t Base,
std::size_t ArraySize,
std::size_t ArrayCount,
std::size_t WindowSize>
struct base_n : thrust::unary_function<thrust::tuple<Integer, Integer>, Integer>
__host__ __device__
Integer operator()(const thrust::tuple<Integer, Integer> t) const
const auto i = calc_indices<ArraySize, ArrayCount, WindowSize>(thrust::get<0>(t));
// ipow could be optimized by precomputing a lookup table at compile time
const auto result = thrust::get<1>(t)*ipow(Base, thrust::get<3>(i));
return result;
// taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/101613/678093
__host__ __device__ __inline__
Integer ipow(Integer base, Integer exp) const
Integer result = 1;
while (exp)
if (exp & 1)
result *= base;
exp >>= 1;
base *= base;
return result;
template <std::size_t ArraySize,
std::size_t ArrayCount,
std::size_t WindowSize,
typename T,
std::size_t WindowCount = ArraySize - (WindowSize-1),
std::size_t PerArrayCount = WindowSize * WindowCount>
__device__ __inline__
thrust::tuple<T,T,T,T> calc_sort_indices(const T& i0)
const T i1 = i0 % PerArrayCount;
const T i2 = i0 / PerArrayCount;
const T i3 = i1 % WindowCount;
const T i4 = i1 / WindowCount;
return thrust::make_tuple(i1,i2,i3,i4);
template <typename Integer,
std::size_t ArraySize,
std::size_t ArrayCount,
std::size_t WindowSize,
std::size_t WindowCount = ArraySize - (WindowSize-1),
std::size_t PerArrayCount = WindowSize * WindowCount>
struct pre_sort : thrust::unary_function<Integer, Integer>
Integer operator()(Integer i0) const
auto t = calc_sort_indices<ArraySize, ArrayCount,WindowSize>(i0);
const Integer i_result = ( thrust::get<2>(t) * WindowSize + thrust::get<3>(t) ) + thrust::get<1>(t) * PerArrayCount;
return i_result;
template <typename Integer,
std::size_t ArraySize,
std::size_t ArrayCount,
std::size_t WindowSize,
std::size_t WindowCount = ArraySize - (WindowSize-1),
std::size_t PerArrayCount = WindowSize * WindowCount>
struct generate_sort_keys : thrust::unary_function<Integer, Integer>
thrust::tuple<Integer,Integer> operator()(Integer i0) const
auto t = calc_sort_indices<ArraySize, ArrayCount,WindowSize>(i0);
return thrust::make_tuple( thrust::get<1>(t), thrust::get<3>(t));
template<typename... Iterators>
__host__ __device__
thrust::zip_iterator<thrust::tuple<Iterators...>> zip(Iterators... its)
return thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(its...));
struct calculate_log : thrust::unary_function<std::size_t, float>
__host__ __device__
float operator()(std::size_t i) const
return i*log10f(i);
int main()
typedef int Integer;
typedef float Real;
const std::size_t array_count = ARRAY_COUNT;
const std::size_t array_size = ARRAY_SIZE;
const std::size_t window_size = WINDOW_SIZE;
const std::size_t window_count = array_size - (window_size-1);
const std::size_t input_size = array_count * array_size;
const std::size_t base = 4;
thrust::device_vector<Integer> input_arrays(input_size);
thrust::counting_iterator<Integer> counting_it(0);
counting_it + input_size,
const int runs = 100;
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int k = 0 ; k < runs; ++k)
auto sw = make_sliding_window<array_size, array_count, window_size>(input_arrays.begin());
const std::size_t total_count = window_size * window_count * array_count;
thrust::device_vector<Integer> result(total_count);
thrust::copy(sw.begin(), sw.end(), result.begin());
auto ti_begin = thrust::make_transform_iterator(counting_it, key_generator<Integer, array_size, array_count, window_size>());
auto base_4_ti = thrust::make_transform_iterator(zip(counting_it, sw.begin()), base_n<Integer, base, array_size, array_count, window_size>());
thrust::inclusive_scan_by_key(ti_begin, ti_begin+total_count, base_4_ti, result.begin());
thrust::device_vector<Integer> result_2(total_count);
auto ti_pre_sort = thrust::make_transform_iterator(counting_it, pre_sort<Integer, array_size, array_count, window_size>());
thrust::device_vector<Integer> sort_keys_1(total_count);
thrust::device_vector<Integer> sort_keys_2(total_count);
auto zip_begin = zip(sort_keys_1.begin(),sort_keys_2.begin());
generate_sort_keys<Integer, array_size, array_count, window_size>());
thrust::stable_sort_by_key(result_2.begin(), result_2.end(), zip_begin);
thrust::stable_sort_by_key(zip_begin, zip_begin+total_count, result_2.begin());
thrust::device_vector<Integer> key_counts(total_count);
thrust::device_vector<Integer> sort_keys_1_reduced(total_count);
thrust::device_vector<Integer> sort_keys_2_reduced(total_count);
// count how often each sub array occurs
auto zip_count_begin = zip(sort_keys_1.begin(), sort_keys_2.begin(), result_2.begin());
auto new_end = thrust::reduce_by_key(zip_count_begin,
zip_count_begin + total_count,
zip(sort_keys_1_reduced.begin(), sort_keys_2_reduced.begin(), thrust::make_discard_iterator()),
std::size_t new_size = new_end.second - key_counts.begin();
auto log_ti = thrust::make_transform_iterator (key_counts.begin(), calculate_log());
thrust::device_vector<Real> log_result(new_size);
auto zip_keys_reduced_begin = zip(sort_keys_1_reduced.begin(), sort_keys_2_reduced.begin());
auto log_end = thrust::reduce_by_key(zip_keys_reduced_begin,
zip_keys_reduced_begin + new_size,
std::size_t final_size = log_end.second - log_result.begin();
thrust::device_vector<Real> final_result(final_size);
auto final_end = thrust::reduce_by_key(sort_keys_1.begin(),
sort_keys_1.begin() + final_size,
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start);
std::cout << "took " << duration.count()/runs << "milliseconds" << std::endl;
return 0;
compile using
nvcc -std=c++11 conditional_entropy.cu -o benchmark -DARRAY_SIZE=1000 -DARRAY_COUNT=1000 -DWINDOW_SIZE=10 && ./benchmark
This configuration takes 133 milliseconds on my GPU (GTX 680), so around 0.1 milliseconds per array.
The implementation can definitely be optimized, e.g. using a precomputed lookup table for the base-4 conversion and maybe some of the thrust calls can be avoided.