AWS Capistrano connection error

2019-05-29 08:06发布


I am trying my first deployment of rails app using Capistrano to AWS.

I am stumped at the following error. apparently connection issue for my ssh, though i could see both my public and private key files are present at the following location /home/thanikkal/.ssh/config (got added wen i did ssh-add) can anyone tell why this error is? or suggest further trouble shooting steps?

  • executing `deploy:setup'

    • executing "mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/myapp /home/ubuntu/myapp/releases /home/ubuntu/myapp/shared /home/ubuntu/myapp/shared/system /home/ubuntu/myapp/shared/ log /home/ubuntu/myapp/shared/pids"

    servers: [""] connection failed for: (Errno::EISDIR: Is a directory - /home/thanikkal/.ssh/config)


Looks like you have conflicting credentials in your "/home/thanikkal/.ssh/config" You might want to remove and see if it works.

You also need to make sure the ssh key folder contains both public and private keys.


You could try to deploy using your pem file.

Here are the instructions you should include into your deploy.rb file

default_run_options[:pty] = true
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
ssh_options[:auth_methods] = "publickey"
ssh_options[:keys] = ["/path/to/your/pem/file/cert.pem"]