I am trying my first deployment of rails app using Capistrano to AWS.
I am stumped at the following error. apparently connection issue for my ssh, though i could see both my public and private key files are present at the following location /home/thanikkal/.ssh/config (got added wen i did ssh-add) can anyone tell why this error is? or suggest further trouble shooting steps?
executing `deploy:setup'
- executing "mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/myapp /home/ubuntu/myapp/releases /home/ubuntu/myapp/shared /home/ubuntu/myapp/shared/system /home/ubuntu/myapp/shared/ log /home/ubuntu/myapp/shared/pids"
servers: ["ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com"] connection failed for: ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com (Errno::EISDIR: Is a directory - /home/thanikkal/.ssh/config)