I've created an endpoint that returns a list of items. When the list is empty, I was expecting to see an empty list in the JSON, but the list field was instead omitted. That's not what happens on the dev server.
@ApiMethod(name = "udinic", path = "udinic")
public List<UdinicResponse> getUdinics() {
List<UdinicResponse> list = new ArrayList<>();
UdinicResponse res = new UdinicResponse();
res.bla = "sds";
return list;
static class UdinicResponse {
String bla;
public String getBla() {
return bla;
public void setBla(String bla) {
this.bla = bla;
When I run this on the dev server, that's the response I get:
items: [ ]
When it's on the deployed server, that's what I get:
kind: "udinicEndpoint#resourcesItem",
etag: ""3Ms41gaYW9qnDr8JAXr8FIDhu9jVetg""
Any ideas how can I get a consistent behavior? I prefer to get an empty list instead of omitting the field.