I'm attempting to connect to a remote Postgres database (in this case a Heroku Postgres instance). I have a Fabric command that does some work against the DB using psycopg2
My Postgres connection occurs as so:
# conf is a hash derived from the heroku config DATABASE_URL
self.conn = psycopg2.connect(
database=conf.get('database'), # supplied by heroku
user=conf.get('username'), # is the database username supplied by heroku
password=conf.get('password'), # supplied by heroku
host=conf.get('host'), # e.g ec2-00-000-00-00.compute-1.amazonaws.com
port=conf.get('port') # 5492
Error from running the script:
psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "my-server-user"
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "my-ip-address-here", user "my-server-user", database "database-name-here", SSL off
Investigating into pg_hba.conf, I've temporarily introduced the following line:
host all all trust
And restarted Postgres with
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 restart
But I am still incurring the issue. I am, however, able to simply connect using command line client (even without the change to the pg_hba configuration):
psql -h ec2-00-000-00-00.compute-1.amazonaws.com -p 5492 database-name -W
manually supplying the password.
The code runs locally on my Mac, so there is something that is misconfigured or blocked. I just can't figure out what it may be. Any suggestions welcome.
(Obviously, real world values have been replaced with placeholders in samples above)