Unable to connect with psycopg2, but can via comma

2019-05-29 00:59发布


I'm attempting to connect to a remote Postgres database (in this case a Heroku Postgres instance). I have a Fabric command that does some work against the DB using psycopg2.

My Postgres connection occurs as so:

# conf is a hash derived from the heroku config DATABASE_URL
self.conn = psycopg2.connect(
    database=conf.get('database'), # supplied by heroku
    user=conf.get('username'), # is the database username supplied by heroku
    password=conf.get('password'), # supplied by heroku
    host=conf.get('host'), # e.g ec2-00-000-00-00.compute-1.amazonaws.com
    port=conf.get('port') # 5492

Error from running the script:

psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "my-server-user"
FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "my-ip-address-here", user "my-server-user", database "database-name-here", SSL off

Investigating into pg_hba.conf, I've temporarily introduced the following line:

host    all             all             trust

And restarted Postgres with

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 restart

But I am still incurring the issue. I am, however, able to simply connect using command line client (even without the change to the pg_hba configuration):

psql -h ec2-00-000-00-00.compute-1.amazonaws.com -p 5492 database-name -W

manually supplying the password.

The code runs locally on my Mac, so there is something that is misconfigured or blocked. I just can't figure out what it may be. Any suggestions welcome.

(Obviously, real world values have been replaced with placeholders in samples above)


Heroku requires that you use SSL.

If you are connecting to Heroku, then:

  • Modifying the pg_hba.conf of a PostgreSQL server on the local host will have absolutely zero effect, since that's not the server you are connecting to;

  • You must use SSL. Pass the sslmode='require' option to psycopg2.